A-Z of JavaScript

September 6, 2017

This is my collection of A-to-Z terms that one should know if they are into serious javascript programming.


Async and Await are new features introduced in the language to make asynchronous code block look synchronous and more importantly make it more readable.

Brendan Eich

Brendan Eich is the creator of JavaScript. He created the language in a matter of 10 days when working for Netscape Navigator. Due credit to be given to him for creating this language.


Closures is one key aspect of the language which makes is support functional programming concepts and also very centric to its event driven approach to running code.

Callbacks are functions passed as parameters to other functions more often to support asynchronous code execution.

Dynamically Typed

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language - an advantage as well as a disadvantage


JavaScript’s official name is ECMAScript.

If you have to understand about eventloop, then you have to watch this talk.


JavaScript supports functional style of programming. If you want to learn more about this, you could read here.


Generators are functions that could save context across re-entrances.


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IIFE is a short form of immediately invoked function expression. These are functions which get invoked along with their definition.


JSON is the defacto standard for message format used in communications over the Web.


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MDN is the official source of truth for all your JavaScript reference.


NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime which is built on top of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine.


Objects are the fundamental building blocks of any JavaScript program. It gives us the equivalence of Classes/Objects present in a Object Oriented Language like Java, C++.

Prototypal Inheritance

JavaScript supports inheritance through prototype chaining.


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Service Worker

Service Workers can be thought of as proxies to your backend and enables great user experiences like offline capability, optimistic loading of resources etc.


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Web Assembly/Web Worker

Web Assembly is mechanism or a provision by which browsers can execute assembly/compiled code. This opens up a whole lot of new things that could possible in a web app escpecially performance intrinsic ones like gaming, image processing etc all happening inside a browser.

Web Workers are means to achieve multi threading in browsers where we could do execute JS in parallel without affecting the main thread.


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Would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for the To Be Added letters and also any terms that I have missed out…

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink